Pledge to the 5/25 Campaign
Our vision is to build the endowment to a goal of $5 million dollars by the end of 2025. This is a commitment to build capacity and capability while providing even greater service to our community and beyond.
Current assets are $3.4 million. Given that baseline, this goal is achievable through scrupulous management of the fund, cost containment of grants and expenses, major pledge campaigns, legacy gifts, event fundraising, as well as other efforts. Our club will continue its exceptional tradition of service by making significant contributions each year in the form of scholarships and support of various club projects.
Thank you for being part of this campaign to impact the greater good by doing good in this community and elsewhere. Thank you for dreaming, planning and caring along with us as we imagine how we can be of service to others. You are making a difference in our club and community. You will have a lasting, positive effect for many years to come.